So what's in a name? A lot more than most people think and in case you’re interested in the meanings of our twins’ names, well I’ve provided a little personality profile on each of them using the number of letters and how many of those letters are consonants, vowels, etc. derived from name assessments featured on Baby Zone.
The twins’ names suggest the following personalities and clues about their personalities. While I don’t put a whole lot of stock in these assessments, still a pretty fun read.
Paige Trinity
The name reflects drive, a pioneering spirit, leadership, independence and originality. The energy behind this name is strong and forceful and promotes an unconventional, innovative, and decisive approach. Highly focused and self-reliant, the name Paige Trinity carries with it an unmistakable "can do" attitude. It reflects confidence, energy, strength and perseverance. There is a definite sense of danger and risk-taking as well.
Paige Trinity’s most positive characteristics: Strength, originality, courage, imagination, creativity, confidence. Good for competitive, high-risk ventures.
Paige Trinity’s most negative characteristics: Pride, intolerance, excessive aggressiveness. Not good for people-oriented ventures or healing, counseling and retail businesses.
Taylor Mackenzie
Powerful, a conqueror, devours the weak and rules the strong. The name Taylor Mackenzie reflects money and power. It is a carnivore, a winner at all cost.
Rewards the faithful and hardworking, but has no tolerance for the incompetent.
Taylor Mackenzie understands the balance between giving and taking, generosity and greed. When it loses that balance, it self-destructs.
Taylor Mackenzie’s most positive characteristics: Strength, perseverance, potential for greatness.
Taylor Mackenzie’s most negative characteristics: Financial ups and downs. Lacks compassion. Can be self-destructive.