
Welcome to my blog - it's like a diary only better. This is my soapbox containing a collection of my thoughts and the experiences of my life raising twins.

Prior to this blog, prior to marriage and prior to the twinsanity that I now call my life, life was quite different for me. When you visit this blog, you won’t find me writing much about my life pre-twins – I hope that’s okay. Why? You ask. Because life with twins changes everything and my life pre-multiples is now just a dizzy, distant memory. And while it’s true that life years ago may have been a little more glamorous, the life I live now is a whole lot more rewarding and I wouldn’t trade it for anything.

I’m glad you’ve stopped by...there’s a really strong chance that I won’t offer anything extraordinary here, but by the same token there is also the possibility that you will experience a taste of the adventures, challenges and many joys that come with my life with twins. Hopefully that will be enough to bring you back here again.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Getting It Done

Okay, so it occurred to me today that I am officially a busybody. Yes, a busybody. Perhaps it's due to having had twins where ever since their birth, I've found my hands full taking care of 2 babies while also managing a home, maintaining a marriage and attempting to retain a sense of myself through it all. So, just what kind of busyness am I talking about? Well, as I sat down to type this post tonight, pondering over what I might pontificate upon, it occurred to me that today was such a busy day, I simply couldn't choose just one or two activities and that I should just run through some of the highlights and let the day's busyness stand alone as tonight's post. So, here goes...

Working Out
Long gone are the days when I would spend 2 hours in the gym, but I do still find time to get to the gym for at least 30-45 minutes a day. Today, was no different. After breakfast, the twins and I loaded into the car and headed for the gym. Paige and Taylor are so cute about going to the gym. They go to their "kids gym" to play while I exercise with the "big people" and every time we walk through the gym together, Paige and Taylor point out the other people to me saying things like, "look that man is walking, or look that lady is exercising like you, mom". Today, Paige even told me that when she grows up, she's going to exercise too.

I don't know what it is about the gym, but for the busybody that I've become, I find the gym the perfect environment. You can move about from one piece of equipment to the next, crank out a series of reps and sets, then move to the next exercise machine. It's great, and feels so productive, exhilirating and healthful too....I just love it! Plus, working out in the mornings gives me an extra boost of energy to tackle the rest of my busybody-ness for the day. Ha!

Summer weather with 3-digit temperatures, like today, meant that we were cooped up inside the house for several hours today, and believe me, the twins were looking for action! Keeping them from destroying the house (and each other) by creating some homemade arts and crafts today was key. So, we did everything from coloring fairies, building with playdough to even making our very own bumblebees (pictures of the homemade bumblebees to be featured tomorrow on Twinsanity, so check back).

Ahhhh, reading. I love reading with Paige and Taylor, but it's an undertaking at times and today was pretty typical. The common scenario plays out like this: first, the twins hardly ever agree on which book to read; second, they will compete for lap space with me and painfully jockey for their position in front of the book, jostling one another with their knees and elbows. Finally, they interrupt the reading as they talk over each other (which is okay with me because that's how they learn) but two little girls talking over each other about the same story simultaneously makes it an interesting effort to making themselves heard. While I love reading with Paige and Taylor, I admit that I spend a good chunk of the time reminding each of the girls to wait their turn to turn the page, wait their turn to sit on my lap, wait their turn to choose a new story, etc. What I loved about reading with the twins today, however, was that I started to change out some of the words to their favorite stories and loved watching the girls "catch" my "mistakes" and correct me with how they're used to reading the stories. So funny!

ReStocking and Getting Organized
I shuffled about today doing random organization of Paige and Taylor's stuff. For example, I restocked their toddler bag, finished folding and putting away their laundry in their bedroom and did an overall clean sweep of their bedroom. I like to try and keep the twins' room very organized so I have everything where I need it.

Staying In Touch
In between crafting, reading, lunches and snacks, I would steal away a few moments for myself on FaceBook. In the midst of getting stuff done throughout the day, I try not to forget that part of getting it done also entails having a little bit of breathing room for me. So, today, for me, that was FaceBook where I can connect with other friends and stay-at-home moms about almost anything - what kind of coffee we had today, what's happening in the world of politics, what our weekend plans are, etc. - and what I've found is that posting a comment here and there and chatting with my friends helps me feel like I'm still in touch with people I care about which makes it easier for me to stay at home as well as get the STUFF done that I was getting done today.

Throughout the day, I spent ten or fifteen minutes here and there (all day long) putting things away and just tidying up. Not a massive cleaning, but spending a few minutes to straighten up just a few things in each room. Oh, and then I vacuumed the whole house after tidying up...

Phone Calling
In addition to being a busybody today around the house, I was on the phone a bit more than usual. I was scheduling doctor appointments for the twins, re-arranging physical therapy schedules for Taylor, ordering supplements for Paige. I feel like I was on the phone so much today that my ear is now numb...grrrrr.

P.S. Trying to talk on the phone and trying to have any meaningful dialogue is nearly impossible with Paige and Taylor around. It's as if they have this keen awareness that mommy is now distracted by someone else on the phone and that is somehow their moment to create all-out mayhem and mania around the house...

After the twins went to bed, I absolutely refused to do any chores tonight other than cleaning up the kitchen for the next morning. I have sat on my bum tonight, sipped some coffee, watched tv, read and blogged on Twinsanity...anything but chores. For me, chores are for the daytime which gives me the motivation to get things done during the day, with the thought of rewarding myself with all-out relaxation once the girls are in bed. Plus, the rest and relaxation tonight will refuel me for tomorrow!