
Welcome to my blog - it's like a diary only better. This is my soapbox containing a collection of my thoughts and the experiences of my life raising twins.

Prior to this blog, prior to marriage and prior to the twinsanity that I now call my life, life was quite different for me. When you visit this blog, you won’t find me writing much about my life pre-twins – I hope that’s okay. Why? You ask. Because life with twins changes everything and my life pre-multiples is now just a dizzy, distant memory. And while it’s true that life years ago may have been a little more glamorous, the life I live now is a whole lot more rewarding and I wouldn’t trade it for anything.

I’m glad you’ve stopped by...there’s a really strong chance that I won’t offer anything extraordinary here, but by the same token there is also the possibility that you will experience a taste of the adventures, challenges and many joys that come with my life with twins. Hopefully that will be enough to bring you back here again.

Monday, March 16, 2009

A Typical Day

This post is dedicated to a day in the life of twins Paige and Taylor and me…

Well, here it goes, I’ve decided to record one of our days. It’s not the most exciting of days, but even in the daily happenings of today, when multiplying the experiences by 2 with various moods and temperaments thrown in…well, then it starts to get pretty interesting. Enjoy.

Today is Monday, and here is how said day begins:

Upon waking: I am assisting Taylor with getting dressed for the day; meanwhile, Paige is making, well, let’s just say, she is making bottom noises. So, I ask her, “Paige, is your bottom making noises?” To my question, Paige replied, “No, it’s a horn making noises.” After laughing quite a good laugh, I then asked her, “Paige, is your bottom making horn noises?” To my question, Paige then replied with a simple, “YES”. So, there it is, as of today, we have officially coined a new household term to refer to any noises that originate from the twins’ bottoms as “horn noises”.

Moving on: An occupational therapy appointment is scheduled for 9:00 AM at clinic. Although 9:00 AM is certainly NOT exceptionally early, it is still a challenge getting all 3 of us out the door. And breakfast? Well, that consisted of 2 right-from-the-baker’s-oven donuts with green sprinkles on top from a nearby store. The girls nibbled on their donuts as I sipped on my morning Starbucks as we were en route to therapy.

9:00 AM – 10:00 AM: Occupational therapy proceeds smoothly and uneventfully for the hour at the clinic and come 10:00 sharp, we are leaving the clinic – and I with some new at-home strategies and exercises to do.

10:00 AM: I receive a somewhat frenzied phone call from Mike whereby I am requested to meet him at the Airport to then take him to his office. (Hadn’t planned on this extra outing, but alas, we made a mad dash to the Airport then to Mike’s office)

11:30 AM: At last, we’re back home and free play and free time can begin. The girls spend some time playing with their toys and dolls in the family room while also enjoying a mid-morning snack. I multi-task – check my emails, check my FaceBook pages, switch over laundry, do dishes, pay some bills – until it’s time for lunch.

12:30 PM: Lunch is offered. Neither Paige or Taylor would eat any of their lunch, but did drink most of their milk.

1:00 PM: Naptime.

1:30 PM: Naptime continues…I however make my first trip into the twins’ room only to discover that Taylor and Paige have completely undressed themselves. I help them get back in their PJs and settled into their beds and remind them that “this is our quiet time, time for Paige and Taylor to rest…”

1:45 PM: Naptime continues…I however find myself making yet another trip into the twins’ room but this time to discover that just Taylor is undressed and squealing with delight. Repeated the steps from 15 minutes earlier.

2:00 PM: Naptime continues…unfortunately, and by now, much to my chagrin, I am making yet another trip upstairs because I recognize the familiar screams and squeals of delight of a likely naked toddler. Upon entering the room, yes, once again there stood Taylor butt-naked AGAIN. Ugh. Repeated the steps from 30 and 15 minute intervals earlier but this time used my ‘I mean business’ tone of voice when I told Taylor not to take her PJs off again…I turned and walked out the room after getting her dressed in her PJs again thinking to myself, well, I wonder if I’ll be back to attend to another naked toddler in just a few minutes. Fortunately, for me, I didn’t have to return to the room and the girls both settled down for a relatively peaceful, quiet naptime.

3:00 PM: Naptime ends.

3:30 PM: Afternoon snacks for Paige and Taylor, followed by more playtime and storytime with me.

5:30 PM Dinnertime. Tonight, it was Papa John’s take-out pepperoni pizza, breadsticks and chicken nuggets. Taylor ate 2-1/2 nuggets and nibbled on some bread and called it “good”. Paige ate 1-1/2 nuggets, pulled the cheese off the top of a slice of pizza and ate a couple bites of bread and called it “good”.

Following dinner, I once again multi-tasked as the twins played together in the family room - checked my emails, checked my FaceBook pages, switched over more laundry, cleaned the kitchen and dinner dishes, made some phone calls related to some appointments that the girls and I have later in the week.

The post-dinner playtime for Paige and Taylor went something like this: Pestered sister. Pestered the other sister. After pestering each other, both girls would get awfully sweet with each other giving each other hugs and sharing their toys. Played with Tukker, their puppy, chasing her around the room. Tukker loves every moment of it. Built a makeshift seesaw for their dollies and would work together to raise their ends up and down in a seesaw motion. Climbed up on the couch, pulled off all the throw pillows and jumped into the pillows now lying on the floor.

After dinner, preparing for bedtime: Spent time with daddy for a few minutes before getting ready for bed and brushing teeth. At this point in the evening, which is now 7:30 PM, I crashed. Thanks to their daddy, I was able to leave the bedtime responsibilities solely to him tonight...that's a rare treat for me...so tonight having the extra set of hands from their daddy at bedtime was a welcome reprieve for me!

This was definitely not a perfect day, but I don’t think I’ve ever had one of those…overall however, it was a pretty good day for us.