
Welcome to my blog - it's like a diary only better. This is my soapbox containing a collection of my thoughts and the experiences of my life raising twins.

Prior to this blog, prior to marriage and prior to the twinsanity that I now call my life, life was quite different for me. When you visit this blog, you won’t find me writing much about my life pre-twins – I hope that’s okay. Why? You ask. Because life with twins changes everything and my life pre-multiples is now just a dizzy, distant memory. And while it’s true that life years ago may have been a little more glamorous, the life I live now is a whole lot more rewarding and I wouldn’t trade it for anything.

I’m glad you’ve stopped by...there’s a really strong chance that I won’t offer anything extraordinary here, but by the same token there is also the possibility that you will experience a taste of the adventures, challenges and many joys that come with my life with twins. Hopefully that will be enough to bring you back here again.

Monday, May 25, 2009

VA Vacation - Trip to the National Zoo

Now, unfortunately, I didn't take any pictures of our trip to the zoo other than right at the entrance. I know, shame on me, I am usually sooooooo good about taking lots of pictures...unfortunately, as we strolled through the zoo and the various animal exhibits, rather than taking pictures, I spent most of the time chatting up life and catching up on old times with my sister-in-law Kim. Our lives and family lives keep both of us very busy so we're lucky to chat once or twice a year so spending some face-to-face time with her again in VA was a lot of fun! And, besides, all of you Twinsanity readers know what gorillas, panda bears, elephants, giraffes and the like look like so I know you're not going to be THAT disappointed that I don't post photos. Ha, ha.

The twins and I joined their Aunt Kim and their cousin Courtney, who is just 4 days older than Paige and Taylor, at the National Zoo in Washington DC.
Back row: Aunt Kim (L) and Ashley (R)
Front row: Courtney, Taylor, Paige

The mode of transportation to the National Zoo was by the Metro transit - the twins and their cousin LOVED the speed of the Metro and especially liked when the train went into the dark tunnels.