
Welcome to my blog - it's like a diary only better. This is my soapbox containing a collection of my thoughts and the experiences of my life raising twins.

Prior to this blog, prior to marriage and prior to the twinsanity that I now call my life, life was quite different for me. When you visit this blog, you won’t find me writing much about my life pre-twins – I hope that’s okay. Why? You ask. Because life with twins changes everything and my life pre-multiples is now just a dizzy, distant memory. And while it’s true that life years ago may have been a little more glamorous, the life I live now is a whole lot more rewarding and I wouldn’t trade it for anything.

I’m glad you’ve stopped by...there’s a really strong chance that I won’t offer anything extraordinary here, but by the same token there is also the possibility that you will experience a taste of the adventures, challenges and many joys that come with my life with twins. Hopefully that will be enough to bring you back here again.

Monday, July 21, 2008

Potty Training Mayhem

I have just recently started working with the twins on potty training (AGAIN). We had attempted it a couple months ago, but there was very little interest from the girls so we called it quits for a couple months. In this 2nd round of re-attempting potty-training, already I’ve discovered some key things:

First, potty-training twins definitely requires double the equipment and offers double the mess!

Second, one potty is definitely not enough for two kids. That whole “SHARE” thing doesn’t work with twin potty-training, especially when both need or want to go potty at the same time. I’ve got two potty chairs side by side. When one sits on the potty, the other one does too. I’ve also been doing potty story time with both girls to keep their interest in sitting on the potty and to give us a little extra time on the potties for that successful pee-pee or poo-poo.

Third, potty-training twins is exponentially messy! Forget going diaperless and forget cotton underwear while they’re getting the hang of this whole potty training thing. I learned in about 2 days that going either diaperless with twins or having them wear the "big girl" cotton underwear is so risky and so messy that it rivals third-world squalor. Plus, the continuous trekking up and down the stairs to the laundry room with all the soiled clothes was giving me quite the Stairmaster workout. With twins, there was just no way that I could keep up with two kids, who aren’t telling me consistently when they have to go potty, in just their bare bottoms or a pair of thin cotton underwear. I learned the hard way when I would continually discover (and sometimes step in) their gazillion piddles and poo nuggets. That left me with no other option than those infamous pull-up style diapers which for now is proving to make my life soooo much easier and the house a whole lot more sanitary.

For now, I’m letting the twins take the lead on the potty training. We’re establishing a nice routine giving them lots of opportunities and fun to sit on the potty and there’s no pressure on them or me to make it happen. If they’re 3 when they get potty-trained, awesome. If they’re 3-1/2 when they get potty-trained, awesome. Or, if it happens next month, awesome. Whatever. My attitude is they’ll “get it” eventually.

Since this is one of my more rigorous undertakings with the twins these days, I’m sure I’ll have future posts on this subject. It’s just too messy and too funny not to revisit this subject in the blog. Plus, a picture is worth a thousand words and one day we’ll be able to use all of our potty-training photos as blackmail – ha, ha.

Potty-Training 'High-Fives'
- Photo: Paige (L) / Taylor (R) -

Taylor Teaching Her Baby How to Use the Potty