
Welcome to my blog - it's like a diary only better. This is my soapbox containing a collection of my thoughts and the experiences of my life raising twins.

Prior to this blog, prior to marriage and prior to the twinsanity that I now call my life, life was quite different for me. When you visit this blog, you won’t find me writing much about my life pre-twins – I hope that’s okay. Why? You ask. Because life with twins changes everything and my life pre-multiples is now just a dizzy, distant memory. And while it’s true that life years ago may have been a little more glamorous, the life I live now is a whole lot more rewarding and I wouldn’t trade it for anything.

I’m glad you’ve stopped by...there’s a really strong chance that I won’t offer anything extraordinary here, but by the same token there is also the possibility that you will experience a taste of the adventures, challenges and many joys that come with my life with twins. Hopefully that will be enough to bring you back here again.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Your Vote Matters

It's been a long day so my daily blog post will be shorter than you might usually encounter here on the eve of Election Day 2008...tonight, a short post is all that is needed. Somehow a short 'n simple post seems most fitting and yet this short post will serve to be one of my most important posts to Twinsanity as well. (I know I have a few followers to this blog, so I'm seizing the opportunity for one last political play for my audience of readers before we all cast our votes tomorrow)

You have heard it said many times...elections have consequences and the outcome of this election tomorrow will have a profound impact on the lives of the American people, this great country and future generations of Americans. Especially to those of us who are Christians. Your vote can make a difference, so please be sure to take the time to brave the long lines and cast your vote tomorrow.

For those inquiring minds, here is precisely how I'll be voting in tomorrow's elections:


President Ronald Reagan will be forever remembered for his ideals of limited government and personal freedoms...these same ideals have been passed onto Senator John McCain and Governor Sarah Palin. I will be casting my vote in the Presidential election for the McCain/Palin ticket.


Yes on Prop 1A for faster, cheaper, safer transportation.

Yes on Prop 2 for protection of the health and safety of our food.

Yes on Prop 3 for support for the Children's Hospital Bond for the investment in all of our children.

No on Prop 5 (Prop 5 reduces penalties for meth dealers and drunk drivers who kill).

Yes on Prop 6 to stop gang violence and improve neighborhood safety.

No on Prop 7 (Prop 7 will increase electric rates by $340.00/year).

Yes on Prop 8 to restore and preserve the traditional institution of marriage as defined by a husband/wife, to strengthen families and protect our children.

Yes on Prop 9 to protect crime victims from murderers and rapists with Marsy's Law.

Yes on Prop 10 to reduce our dependence of foreign oil and creates no new taxes or bureuacracies. Can I get a shout-out for "Drill Here, Drill Now"!

No on Prop 11

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After tomorrow's elections, I will be back to writing and talking once more about life with twins including all my various memos and musings as a multiples mommy! I know there are some of you out there who enjoy that banter from me far more...and to tell you the truth so do I....but for a season, sometimes even our favorite things to talk about, think about and swoon over have to get replaced by other things. Not because they are more important, but because they require some consideration at the moment when they are most relevant. Thanks to those of you who hung in there through the politic-ing on my blog and continued to come back in spite of it.